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The Successful Recall of TVUSD School Board Member Joe Komrosky

One Temecula Valley PAC (1TVPAC) would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers and donors for their time, energy, expertise, and passion in helping to garner enough votes to recall TVUSD School Board President Joe Komrosky, as certified by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters.

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J. Pack J. Pack

1TVPAC: Komrosky/Gonzalez ‘press conference’ irresponsible, childish

“In yet another example of the influence of partisan politics on the policy-making behavior of Komrosky and Gonzalez, the made-for-TV political rhetoric and the irresponsible, and inaccurate, statements made by the two trustees was nothing more than childish behavior,” the PAC said. “While they billed the event as a ‘press conference,’ and members of the press were in attendance, neither of the trustees took questions from the press at the event. “

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J. Pack J. Pack

One Temecula Valley PAC calls for the immediate resignation of TVUSD board members Komrosky, Wiersma as well as the censure of board member Gonzalez and Temecula City councilmember Jessica Alexander

1TVPAC calls for the immediate resignation of Komrosky and Wiersma and prohibitive censure on Gonzalez for the irreparable damage they have caused to the district and the city as a whole to this point.

Additionally, we call for the immediate censuring of Temecula City Council member Jessica Alexander who, while in attendance as an announced “dignitary” at Wednesday’s meeting, was caught on camera trying to convince TVUSD board president Komrosky not to eject the woman who made a racist comment to the public speaker.

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One Temecula Valley PAC opposes insulting move by TVUSD’s Gonzalez to hire political propagandist costing district an estimated $30,000 

TVUSD Trustee Danny Gonzalez wants to pay $15,000 to a legal document translator who admittedly has a political objective, so he can come to TVUSD and "teach" an unscientific, uneducated political opinion theory to teachers and staff within the school district.

Then, he wants to pay another estimated $15,000 for substitute teachers covering for teachers attending what are essentially political rallies — thus providing a substandard quality of learning to students.

This is beyond ludicrous and yet another expense that taxpayers will have to foot the bill for in order for these three newly-elected trustees to push their politically-based agenda into our schools and onto our teachers and children.

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One Temecula Valley PAC opposes move to hire outside counsel for TVUSD board members, disputes Wiersma’s claims of ‘safety issues’

TEMECULA (Jan. 31, 2023) — Once again, Temecula Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees President Joseph Komrosky has called for the TVUSD Board to consider retaining “Temporary or Specialized Counsel.”

It is yet another example of the lack of transparency and backdoor dealings being perpetrated by board president Komrosky and trustee Jen Wiersma.

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One Temecula Valley PAC statement regarding the Special Meeting of TVUSD Board of Trustees on Jan. 18

TEMECULA (Jan. 19, 2023) — One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee (1TVPAC) would like to commend Temecula Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees members Danny Gonzalez, Allison Barclay, and Steven Schwartz for upholding a position of much-needed transparency during the Wednesday, Jan. 18 Special Meeting of the TVUSD Board of Trustees.

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One Temecula Valley PAC condemns Komrosky’s move to hire outside counsel, possibly consider firing award-winning TVUSD Superintendent

1TVPAC condemns any such action against McClay and questions the legitimacy of his reasoning for spending residents tax dollars on hiring a special counsel and is calling upon the residents of Temecula and all stakeholders within TVUSD to attend this Special Meeting and voice their opposition to moves that 1TVPAC believes will undoubtedly damage the stellar reputation of a high-achieving school district for many years to come.

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TVUSD, Temecula, School Boards J. Pack TVUSD, Temecula, School Boards J. Pack

Response to ‘anti-racism’ and ‘CRT ban’ resolutions proposed by new TVUSD school board member Dr. Joseph Komrosky

TEMECULA (Dec. 13, 2022) — It is the opinion of One Temecula Valley PAC (1TVPAC) that the resolutions — Resolution No. 2022-23/21, prohibiting the teaching of Critical Race Theory; and Resolution No. 2022-23/20, Resolution Condemning Racism — are little else than politically partisan performative measures intended to serve the interests of campaign benefactors and open the door for a politically-charged witch hunt on teachers and administrators within the Temecula Valley Unified School District.

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