What we stand for.

One Temecula Valley PAC was formed to fortify our community against extremist politics. We aim to build a stronger Southwest Riverside County by unifying our communities behind common goals: schools that embrace and empower our youth, a forward-looking local economy to drive our quality of life, and a welcoming environment where all are guaranteed equal protection. With a deep respect for our history, we hold that our obligation to future generations is grounded in the work our ancestors did for us. We support leaders who practice good governance and abstain from political theater; who see and serve the community in total; and who put people above political party.

1TVPAC was created by community leaders, former city council, and school board members.
1TVPAC’s stated goal is to support and promote stable, responsible candidates and policy within the Southwest Riverside County region leading up to the 2022 election and well beyond.
We are only just beginning, here are our immediate goals:

  1. Support and promote Good Governance Candidates and actively educate the voting public about the dangers of extremist IE Family PAC-endorsed candidates.

  2. Actively support and promote candidates leading up to and beyond the 2024 election cycle. That includes possible recall efforts.

  3. Build a stronger Southwest Riverside County by providing representation for the express purpose of unifying our communities in common goals for the future of the Valley.